Friday, October 28, 2016

301 Do-It-Yourself Marketing Ideas

This book is a little out-dated but still has some really great ideas that could definitely be updated for current marketing campaigns. I think one of the quotes used in this book that really sums it up is, "One of the unique things we small companies have over the big guys is the ability to establish personal relationships. Big companies really can't do that. You read about effective organizations, lean and mean organizations, but small companies can be virtuous organizations. It's really hard to think of a huge company being called virtuous. We as small companies can have virtue because we as small companies are basically the embodiment of one or two people, and people can have virtue, while organizations really can't." -Jim Koch-

'301 Do-It-Yourself Marketing Ideas'* gives tips and ideas for how small and mid-sized businesses can really apply the personal touch, as well as ideas for low-cost/no-cost marketing methods and some very creative ways of getting your name known. While older I would still recommend this book.

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